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      12-30-2022, 03:21 PM   #5
nazali's Avatar

Drives: 230 2020 vert F23
Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: Total Wack Job

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txs for the input. I "did" see a video of the same LT as mine (exact same model) and the guy did a CPU swap, which is what got my thinking, he just pulled the cpu out no soldering, problem is it is a pain and if I'm doing it I'd rather do it once, I've seen a couple of CPU's on amazon for about $40 so it may even be worth doing it and chancing 40 bucks.

Oh and sure I get the point about getting newer models, for sure, but this is a win7 machine and I have specific software on it which won't run on a win10 machine.

I actually have MULTIPLE machine:
1xwin10 (work lenovo)
1xHP I use for ista
1xdell lat win10
and of course the Tosh.
Also 2 other machines,
1 win7 which runs family video's non-stop like a photoa lbum
and a small nother chromebook thing I run Netflix and youtube on the 60" HD TV
Appreciate 0