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      01-26-2019, 11:40 PM   #38
Brigadier General

Drives: 2014 328i M-Sport, 2019 X5 40i
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: San Francisco

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Originally Posted by Mike Meyers View Post
Came out of a 2016 X5M with 21” tires. Ordered 22’s on this one but changed the order to 20’s and couldn’t be happier. I am not a run flat guy but they have come a long ways from a few years ago. I am 100% happy with car with 20’s. Good ride and surprised that I could be happy with a 6 cylinder with 200+ less horsepower. Plenty of power, I guess I am getting old. Previous cars were the X5M. 3 M5’s
3 Shelby’s and the list goes on.
This post might be the best endorsement yet of the capability of this beautiful inline 6. I, too, used to go for the BMW V8's, but never M's.

My current car is a F30 328. I ordered the smaller engine because the performance was more that I would ever use. My wife warned me that I'd never be happy without the big engine but I assured her I'd be fine. 5 years later I couldn't be happier with my smaller engine choice. We just ordered my wife's X5 40i. Again, we struggled with the choice of engines. With 0-60 in the low 5's (some say 4.9), I'm was pretty certain it wouldn't disappoint. Your post is very reassuring that we made the right choice in going with the 40i.

I have to say its nice to be at a place in life where you can afford what you want and choose to not get the biggest/baddess example.

For those of you who chose the 50i, congratulations. From the posts I've read, you all got a real beast, worthy of a lot of grins each time you start the engine. I'm a bit jealous, but still at peace with the decision to go with the 40i.
Appreciate 1