Thread: Yard freaks
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      07-17-2019, 11:26 AM   #602
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Originally Posted by Savageenterprise View Post
Every day...check the pics i just posted.

I bought this house literally 2 years ago today and most of last year I didnt really tend to the lawn much other than mowing it and laying down fertilizer once. This year I was much more on top of it and it's still just not coming in that great.

The people before me didnt take care of anything so I had a tremendous amount of work on my hands between bush/tree removal, planting etc. In the middle of removing some shit along the back now, then need to fill in with top soil, build a retaining wall and then plant some arborvitaes. It should look beautiful once I'm done though.

All in good time I guess ha
I am pretty sure that is too much water, which can lead to disease, which can encourage weeds and pests. I am in South Florida where it is hot. It usually rains a lot in the summer, so I turn off irrigation, or set it to 1x / week. It hasn't rained in about a week and I saw the lawn getting a little crispy, so I turned it on for a second day this week. I never exceed 3x / week and it runs for 24 minutes per zone.
Current: 2018 SO/SS F83 ZCP
Gone: 2015 SO/SO F82
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